小黑盒游戏新闻 ( ) • 2024-04-05 18:01


借助DualSense手柄的细腻触感反馈,玩家将体验到更为真实的操作手感,尤其是在战斗中拉弓射箭时,自适应扳机会带来切实的阻力变化。手柄内建的麦克风与扬声器则方便玩家无须佩戴耳机也能轻松语音交流。此外,游戏还兼容便携式PlayStation Portal设备。





Sea of Thieves is Rare’s first title on a PlayStation console, and it’s going all out to ensure it’s up to standards. Along with announcing progress transfer for Xbox and PC players and PlayStation-only servers, it also confirmed 4K/60 FPS (with HDR) and 1080p/120 FPS graphics modes on PS5. Check out the latest feature overview trailer below. The DualSense’s haptic feedback provides more realistic movement, the adaptive triggers coming into play when pulling the trigger in combat, and the controller’s built-in microphone and speaker allow for chatting without a headset. The handheld PlayStation Portal is also supported. Sea of Thieves will have 250 Trophies on PS5, though you only need to unlock the 60 base Trophies for the Platinum Trophy. Xbox and PC players can also convert active Achievements into Trophies, and though some may unlock immediately, replaying the game is a must for unlocking them all. Sea of Thieves launches on April 30th for PS5, coinciding with the arrival of Season 12. A closed beta runs from April 12th to 15th for Deluxe and Premium Edition owners, who can earn items, Renown and currency for Season 11 and ten Renown levels to get an early start on the next season.