小黑盒游戏新闻 ( ) • 2024-04-12 15:29

《暗黑地牢2》将迎来一项重大更新:年内将免费加入全新游戏模式“王国”。开发商Red Hook Studios表示他们将“王国”定位为一个独立的剧情战役,是一场争分夺秒的冒险,目标是在恐怖巨兽摧毁整个王国之前将其彻底击败。

玩家们将在荒芜险恶的疆域中展开探索,沿途搜集各类资源,击退来犯之敌,守护沿途的避风港。期间将引入三个新的敌对阵营——女巫集会(The Coven)、兽人(Beastmen)和深红廷臣(Crimson Courtiers)。利用所收集的资源,玩家可以同时提升英雄等级,此外还能期待探索全新的、深度的升级系统。

Red Hook Studios强调,即使未曾完整体验过《暗黑地牢2》的基础战役,玩家也能直接投身于这场“王国”之战。




Darkest Dungeons 2 is receiving a new game mode as a free update sometime this year, developer Red Hook Studios has announced. Dubbed Kingdoms, the developer says it’s a standalone campaign, and describes it as a “race against the clock to find and defeat a monstrous threat before it overwhelms and destroys the Kingdom.” Players will journey across the grueling land, gathering resources, fighting back against incursious, and defending safe haven inns, with three new enemy factions set to be introduced- The Coven, Beastmen, and Crimson Courtiers. Using the resources you gather, you will be upgrading both your heroes and your inns, while you can also expect to jump into new, “extensive” upgrade trees. Red Hook Studios says playing the base game’s campaign isn’t necessary to play the Kingdoms campaign. Check out its announcement trailer below for a glimpse of what it’ll have in store. Darkest Dungeon 2 is currently available only on PC, though if a recent age rating in Brazil is anything to go by, it might soon be headed to PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch as well.