小黑盒游戏新闻 ( ) • 2024-04-21 16:45


一家名为jocurinoi.ro的罗马尼亚零售商在其在线目录中短暂上架了上述三款游戏的PlayStation 5原生版实体碟片。虽然卡片很快被撤下,但在被网友发现并引发热议。显然,这是商家的失误所致,问题在于这究竟是提前泄露了Capcom的官方计划,还是这些实体版根本不存在?目前,Capcom尚未对此事表态。

生化危机2、3和7的次世代升级显著提升了原PS4和Xbox One版的游戏画质,包括提升分辨率、提供最高达120fps的三种图形模式选择、加入光线追踪技术支持以及实现超快速度的加载。尽管游戏持有者可免费下载这些更新,但我们相信,对于热衷收藏的玩家及对Capcom恐怖系列情有独钟的铁粉来说,能够拥有包含原生PS5版本的实体碟片无疑具有极强诱惑力。



Almost two years have passed since Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 3 Remake and Resident Evil 7 received a next-gen update, but it seems that only now is Capcom thinking of giving them a real physical release, at least on PlayStation 5 . The physical editions of the native PlayStation 5 versions of Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil 7 appeared in the online catalog of a Romanian retailer, jocurinoi.ro. The cards were removed within a short time, but not before they were spotted and the news began to make the rounds online. It was evidently an error on the part of the retailer, it just remains to be understood what kind: did he upload them ahead of Capcom's official plans, or do these editions simply not exist? The Osaka company has not yet expressed its opinion on the subject, so at present the news cannot be considered official. The next-gen updates of Resident Evil 2, 3 and 7 have enhanced the original versions for PS4 and Xbox One with increased resolution, three distinct graphics modes that go up to 120fps, support for ray tracing and lightning-fast loading. They can be downloaded completely free of charge by owners of the video games, but we are sure that a possible physical release with the native PS5 versions on disc would be very tempting for collectors and to the most loyal fans of Capcom's horror series. They are SUPER MARIO BROS. WONDER-Nintendo Video Game – Italian Ed. – Ve is one of today's best sellers.