小黑盒游戏新闻 ( ) • 2024-04-21 16:55

根据对《寂静岭2重制版》Steam页面上一处经过修改的副文本分析,似乎Konami与Bloober Team开发团队已对游戏主角詹姆斯·桑德兰的脸部模型进行了调整,使其与PS2原版游戏中的形象更为接近。





Based on a modified subtext made on the Silent Hill 2 Remake Steam page, it seems that Konami and the developers of Bloober Team have made substantial changes to the face of James Sunderland, the protagonist of the game, making it much more similar to the one seen in the title original for PS2. This would be confirmed by the new game icon added to Steam with one of the latest updates, which you can see in the image below. This change is not visible by visiting the dedicated page, but was noticed thanks to the monitoring done by the SteamDB portal on developer updates for the application. The new look of James Sunderland For completeness, below you will find a comparison between the “new” face of James with that of the official images on the Steam page and that of the original PS2 version of Silent Hill 2. From top to bottom, the new James from the Silent Hill 2 remake, the one from the first trailer and the one from the original PS2 game