今日热门-什么值得买好文 ( ) • 2024-07-02 12:06

第十八届上海国际葡萄酒品评赛(以下简称SIWC)于2024年6月17-21日在上海成功举办。作为SIWC特邀媒体,我们采访到了本届SIWC评委,也是葡萄酒大师之一Rod Smith MW。

专访第十八届上海国际葡萄酒品评赛SIWC评委,葡萄酒大师Rod Smith MW

葡萄酒大师Rod Smith是一位生活在法国南部的葡萄酒教育家、市场家和营销家,也是里维埃拉葡萄酒学院的主任,目前他的客户包括世界最富有、最挑剔和要求最高的葡萄酒消费者。此前,他曾为南法的领先游艇业的葡萄酒供应商Vins Sans Frontières工作。在那之前,他在英国为一些精品葡萄酒进口商和零售商工作,也曾担任WSET讲师和偶尔的撰稿工作。从2006年成为葡萄酒大师以来,他一直广泛地在伦敦、索菲亚、上海和莫斯科参与葡萄酒大赛评委的工作。

专访第十八届上海国际葡萄酒品评赛SIWC评委,葡萄酒大师Rod Smith MW


1.First of all, please introduce yourself.


My name is Rod Smith. I'm British, but I live in the south of France. I'm a wine educator, writer, marketer, and consultant. I've been a Master of Wine since 2006, and I've been coming to China for a long time now, especially for the Shanghai International Wine Challenge(SIWC). I think this is my fifth time.

你好。我的名字是Rod Smith。我是英国人,但我住在法国南部。我是一名葡萄酒教育家、作家、营销专家和顾问。我自2006年起成为葡萄酒大师,而且我长期以来经常来中国,尤其是参加上海国际葡萄酒品评赛。我想这已经是我第五次来了。

2.What about the quality of wine samples in the SIWC competition?


Well, the best thing for me is the quality of the domestic Chinese wine, which just gets better and better. We've had some really lovely samples from across the country, not just Ningxia and great varieties, not just Cabernet Sauvignon, but Marselan, Pinot Noir, blends, and whites. Chinese wine just gets better and better. There are still some storage issues with some of the imported wines, so younger and fresher is usually better than for years in a warehouse here. But it's also nice to see the return of Australian wine and some interesting wines from across the globe.


专访第十八届上海国际葡萄酒品评赛SIWC评委,葡萄酒大师Rod Smith MW

3.Can you highlight the key features of this competition and how it differs from the previous competition of SIWC?


Well, it's great that we're back to having lots of international judges. I was here in October for the last edition, and it was just two judges from abroad. So it's really great that the SIWC is back on track to how it was before, and also wonderful that there are many judges learning for the future.


4.Tomorrow you have the masterclass in Shanghai. What's the topic of it?


Well, I think we're just going to be tasting some of the trophy-winning wines and telling people why we thought they were so good, so that should be fun.


专访第十八届上海国际葡萄酒品评赛SIWC评委,葡萄酒大师Rod Smith MW

5.Could you share more about your views on the Chinese market?


Well, I know the Chinese market has been going through economic issues like the whole world, but hopefully wine drinking will come back as part of the growth for the future. It remains one of the most exciting markets for wine because of the number of people who are yet to discover wine consumption.


6.What have you found interesting this time?


This time, we've had some lovely food as always. Obviously, it's great to have the best Chinese food here in Shanghai?


专访第十八届上海国际葡萄酒品评赛SIWC评委,葡萄酒大师Rod Smith MW

7.There's something interesting you want to share with us?


Oh, that's an interesting question. I do think it's great that the Chinese winemakers are making more different styles that reflect the Chinese terroir and not just trying to replicate wines from somewhere else in France or America with lots of oak and the same grape varieties. So what's really good is that people are experimenting, and that's the most exciting discovery here for me.








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