Doug Mills/The New York TimesWASHINGTON — Signaling that the U.S.-European alliance remained strong after the tension of the Trump era, President Biden and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany on Thursday stressed their shared values, even as both acknowledged differences on a major Russian pipeline and how best to approach China.华盛顿——周四,拜登总统和德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)强调了他们的共同价值观,表明在经历了特朗普时代的紧张关系后,美欧同盟依然强大,尽管双方也都承认,在俄罗斯的一条主要管道以及如何同中国打交道的问题上仍存在分歧。
While there were no apparent breakthroughs, the visit was a way to show a unified front after President Donald J. Trump’s hostile exchanges with Ms. Merkel over NATO contributions, trade and multilateralism badly frayed relations. The meeting also comes before the chancellor’s term ends and a new German government will be sworn in after elections on Sept. 26.虽然双方没有取得显著突破,但在特朗普总统与默克尔就北约军费问题、贸易和多边主义问题上的敌对交锋严重损害了双边关系之后,此次访问可谓展示统一战线的一种方式。
“Good friends can disagree,” said Mr. Biden, who appeared alongside Ms. Merkel at a news conference in the East Room after the meeting.“好朋友之间也会有分歧,”拜登说道,他在会后与默克尔一起出席了在白宫东厅举行的新闻发布会 ... 阅读全文