即時精選 - 聯合新聞網 ( ) • 2021-07-20 10:49
Music can be an answer. In the pleasant evening, Parkview Green FangCaoDi brings you the Soothing Summer Concert walk into the green, immerse in the city lights and gentle wind and tree shadows, listen to the unique blue symphony of summer nights, and interpret another kind of aesthetic of life. 暇梦夏日音乐会SOOTHING SUMMER CONCERT爵士音旋All That Jazz时间 Date &amp。
Bassist and guitarist Bi Zhigang graduated from the Jazz Department of Beijing Contemporary Music Academy in 2004. He studied with Guo Zhiyong (former guitarist of Tomahawk and Thin Man), Zhang Yunfeng, and Gu Zhongshan (American jazz guitarist). He also studied jazz harmony with Italian jazz piano player Moreno Donadel, jazz educator Fabri Pellizzaro, and modern rhythm techniques with Japanese jazz drum player Izumi Koga. 钢琴手肖安翔毕业于北京现代音乐学院,在校期间师从意大利钢琴家Moreno Donadel学习爵士钢琴师从著名爵士长号演奏家、世界音乐教育家、爵士作曲家杨明学习爵士理论、贝斯演奏家Dan Callaghan、小号演奏家Kyle Gregory博士学习乐团合奏。
Pianist Xiao Anxiang graduated from Beijing Contemporary Music Academy and studied jazz with Italian pianist Moreno Donadel. He studied jazz theory with the famous jazz trombone player and bass player, world music educator and jazz composer Dan Callaghan. With trumpet player Dr. Kyle Gregory, he learned to perform in the orchestra.注意事项 Please Note-     活动开始前十五分钟开始验票,请跟随工作人员指引 ... 阅读全文