即時精選 - 聯合新聞網 ( ) • 2021-07-28 12:39
In the midsummer evening, performers from the National Centre for the Performing Arts will perform beautiful melodies on the LG2 Lawn Space, bringing a unique musical voyage. The sound of wind and water, the chirp of insects, the shadows of trees, the light of dusk, in the space where nature and civilization meet, the trembling of orchestral instruments echoes the night. Not as solemn as a concert hall, Parkview Green FangCaoDi's "Soothing Summer Concert" is a long summer leisurely dream, which starts slowly with the sound of clinking glasses.参与“暇梦夏日音乐会”,来自半山腰的夏日精酿,与众多饮品、小食等您尝味。
Master of Fine Arts, is the concert producer who graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music. He arranged the National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra to perform on the stages of top art institutions such as Carnegie Hall, Chicago Symphony Center, San Francisco Davis Concert Hall, UAE Royal Concert Hall, etc.马魏家,第一小提琴国家大剧院管弦乐团助理首席Ma Weijia, First violinAssistant Principal of National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra小提琴家马魏家现担任国家大剧院管弦乐团助理首席、德国德累斯顿宫廷独奏小提琴家、琥珀四重奏特邀第二小提琴。
Violinist Fan Yue is currently the second deputy violinist of the National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra. Fan Yue studied with Zhang Jinzhou from Wuhan Conservatory Of Music, Professor Yang Gefang from Central Conservatory of Music, and Professor David Halen, chief of St. Louis Symphony from The University of Michigan. While studying in the United States, she worked in orchestras include Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra and Lansing Symphony Orchestra. 南江录,中提琴国家大剧院管弦乐团中提琴演奏员Kangrok Nam, Viola​Viola player of the National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra南江录2009年进入慕尼黑音乐和戏剧学院获得硕士学位,师从 Hariolf Schlichtig 教授 ... 阅读全文