Taiwan’s jets scrambled to keep up, while the United States warned China that its “provocative military activity” undermined “regional peace and stability.” China did not cower. When a Taiwanese combat air traffic controller radioed one Chinese aircraft, the pilot dismissed the challenge with an obscenity involving the officer’s mother.台湾战机升空应对,美国则对中国发出警告,称其“挑衅性的军事活动”破坏了“地区和平与稳定”。
Six years later, they understood just how far behind their military had fallen when the United States dispatched two aircraft carriers near Taiwan in response to China firing missiles into the seas near the island. After the American show of force, China backed down.六年后,当美国派遣两艘航空母舰靠近台湾以回应中国向台湾附近海域发射导弹的做法时,他们意识到己方军队已经远远落后。
The classified game culminated with China launching missile strikes against American bases and warships in the region, and then staging an air and amphibious assault on Taiwan, according to a Defense Department official. The officials concluded that Taiwan, backed by the United States, could hold out for maybe two or three days before its defenses crumbled.据一位国防部官员称,这场机密的推演最终发展到中国对该地区的美国基地和军舰发动导弹袭击,然后对台湾发动空中和两栖攻击 ... 阅读全文