Jes Aznar/Getty ImagesAs the world economy struggles to find its footing, the resurgence of the coronavirus and supply chain chokeholds threaten to hold back the global recovery’s momentum, a closely watched report warned on Tuesday.周二,一份受密切关注的报告警告称,在世界经济艰难寻找立足点之际,新冠疫情的重新抬头和供应链瓶颈可能会抑制全球复苏的势头。
The overall growth rate will remain near 6 percent this year, a historically high level after a recession, but the expansion reflects a vast divergence in the fortunes of rich and poor countries, the International Monetary Fund said in its latest World Economic Outlook report.国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)在其最新的《世界经济展望》(World Economic Outlook)报告中称,今年整体经济增长率将保持在6%左右,是经济衰退后的历史最高水平,但这一增长反映了富国和穷国命运的巨大差异。
And in East Asia and the Pacific, a World Bank update warned that “Covid-19 threatens to create a combination of slow growth and increasing inequality for the first time this century.” Businesses in Indonesia, Mongolia and the Philippines lost on average 40 percent or more of their typical monthly sales. Thailand and many Pacific island economies are expected to have less output in 2023 than they did before the pandemic.在东亚和太平洋地区,世界银行最新的警告说,“新冠病毒有可能在本世纪首次造成增长缓慢和不平等加剧的双重威胁 ... 阅读全文