”What many scientists had not counted on was unchecked global spread. Over the following weeks, the new virus, SARS-CoV-2, skipped from Wuhan, China, to a cruise ship in Japan, a small town in northern Italy and a biotechnology conference in Boston. Country by country, global coronavirus trackers turned red.许多科学家没有料到的是,这种病毒会在全球肆意蔓延。
‘No interest in killing us’“对杀死我们没有兴趣”Whether the virus will become more virulent — that is, whether it will cause more serious disease — is the hardest to predict, scientists said. Unlike transmissibility or immune evasion, virulence has no inherent evolutionary advantage.科学家说,病毒是否会变得更具毒性——也就是说,它是否会导致更严重的疾病——是最难预测的。
”Because people who are hospitalized may be less likely to spread the virus than those who are walking around with the sniffles, some have theorized that new viruses become milder over time.比起那些流着鼻涕四处走动的人,住院的人更不可能传播病毒,因此一些人认为,随着时间的推移,新的病毒会变得更温和 ... 阅读全文