North Korea has nuclear weapons, intercontinental ballistic missiles and even hypersonic missiles. But the country has yet to retire scenes of brawny men performing stunts as part of its military propaganda designed to whip up national pride and instill fear in its enemies.虽然朝鲜拥有核武器、洲际弹道导弹,甚至高超音速导弹,但在它的军事宣传中,仍在使用强壮男子做特技表演的场景,以激发民族自豪感,让敌人胆战心惊。
The old circus performers attracted crowds through their perilous feats, such as driving nails into wood with a head butt or bending a steel rod with ​their bare neck, as the North Korean soldiers did for Mr. Kim on Monday.这种古老的杂技表演用演员的危险技艺吸引观众,比如用头把钉子敲进木头,用赤裸的脖子将钢条变弯,就像朝鲜军人周一为金正恩表演的那样。
​Mr. Kim was so proud of his military stunt squads that he invited China’s leader, Xi Jinping, and his wife to a performance when the couple visited Pyongyang in 2019. When the North wanted to show its displeasure in 2012 after the former South Korean president Lee Myung-bak stopped inter-Korean trade in response to the North’s nuclear weapons development, it released footage of commandos throwing hand axes and knives at Mr. Lee’s name.金正恩对自己的军事特技队非常自豪,中国领导人习近平和夫人2019年访问平壤时,金正恩邀请他们观看了特技表演 ... 阅读全文