Mr. Tang’s ex-wife, Lhamo, 30, had done that repeatedly before September last year, when he doused her with gasoline and set her ablaze while she was streaming on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok.去年9月,唐路的前妻、30岁的拉姆在抖音上直播时,唐路向她泼洒汽油并放火烧死了她。
Mr. Tang immediately pushed Ms. Lhamo to remarry and threatened to kill their children if she refused, Ms. Lhamo’s sister, Dolma, told The New York Times in an interview last year. Ms. Lhamo called the police but they ignored her pleas for help, her sister said.拉姆的姐姐卓玛去年接受《纽约时报》采访时说,唐路立即逼拉姆复婚,并威胁说如果她拒绝就杀了他们的孩子。
On Sept. 14, 2020, Mr. Tang went to the home of Ms. Lhamo’s father, the court said, where he found Ms. Lhamo livestreaming in the kitchen and attacked her.法院称,2020年9月14日,唐路前往拉姆父亲家中,发现拉姆在厨房里直播,然后袭击了她 ... 阅读全文