Malawi, the southern African nation bounded by Tanzania, Mozambique and Zambia, once fell prey to this lax law enforcement and became “one of the biggest wildlife trafficking hubs in Southern Africa,” said Dudu Douglas-Hamilton, head of counter wildlife trafficking at the Elephant Crisis Fund, a nonprofit group that supports conservation projects across Africa.支持非洲动物保护项目的非营利组织大象危机基金(Elephant Crisis Fund)打击野生动物贩运部门负责人杜杜·道格拉斯-汉密尔顿(Dudu Douglas-Hamilton)说,与坦桑尼亚、莫桑比克和赞比亚接壤的非洲南部国家马拉维曾因这种执法不力遭受折磨,并成为“南非洲最大的野生动物贩运中心之一”。
The sentencing of Mr. Lin — the highest-ranking wildlife criminal prosecuted to date in Malawi, and one of the few individuals of his rank brought to justice in any African country — represents a major victory. Hearing it read in court, Andy Kaonga, one of the lawyers who prosecuted the case, said he experienced “a feeling of elation.”林云华的判决是一次重大胜利——他是马拉维迄今为止被起诉的级别最高的野生动物罪犯,也是非洲范围内少数几个被绳之以法的同级别人士之一。
”The severity of the prosecutions of Mr. Lin and his colleagues sends a strong message to other criminals that Malawi now takes wildlife trafficking very seriously, Ms. Rice said. This makes it unlikely, she added, that another syndicate will step up to fill the void left by the removal of Mr. Lin’s cartel.赖斯说,对林云华及其同伙的严厉起诉向其他罪犯发出了一个强烈信息,即马拉维现在非常重视野生动物贩运问题 ... 阅读全文