前参议员鲍勃·多尔是华盛顿奥斯顿—伯德律师事务所的一名游说者。照片摄于2015年11月。前参议员鲍勃·多尔是华盛顿奥斯顿—伯德律师事务所的一名游说者。照片摄于2015年11月。 Gary Cameron/Reuters

WASHINGTON — Former Senator Bob Dole, acting as a foreign agent for the government of Taiwan, worked behind the scenes over the past six months to establish high-level contact between Taiwanese officials and President-elect Donald J. Trump’s staff, an effort that culminated last week in an unorthodox telephone call between Mr. Trump and Taiwan’s president.

华盛顿——作为台湾政府的外国代理人,前参议员鲍勃·多尔(Bob Dole)过去六个月里一直在幕后采取行动,帮助台湾官员和候任总统唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)的幕僚之间建立高层接触,终于在上周,特朗普和台湾总统进行了一次背离正统的通话。

Mr. Dole, a lobbyist with the Washington law firm Alston & Bird, coordinated with Mr. Trump’s campaign and the transition team to set up a series of meetings between Mr. Trump’s advisers and officials in Taiwan, according to disclosure documents filed last week with the Justice Department. Mr. Dole also assisted in Taiwan’s successful efforts to include language favorable to it in the Republican Party platform, according to the documents.

多尔是华盛顿律师事务所奥斯顿—伯德(Alston& Bird)的一名游说者,上周提交给司法部的文件显示,他协调特朗普竞选班子和过渡团队,促成了特朗普的顾问和台湾官员之间的一系列会面,而且还协助台湾,成功地把一些有利于它的语言纳入了共和党的政纲中。

Mr. Dole’s firm received $140,000 from May to October for the work, according to the documents.


The documents suggest that President-elect Trump’s decision to take a telephone call from the president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, was less a ham-handed diplomatic gaffe and more the result of a well-orchestrated plan by Taiwan, one that sought to use the election of a new president to deepen its relationship with the United States — with an assist from a seasoned lobbyist well versed in the machinery of Washington.


Mr. Trump’s phone call was a striking break from nearly four decades of diplomatic practice and threatened to precipitate a major rift with China.


The documents were submitted before the call took place and make no mention of it, and it was unclear what role, if any, Mr. Dole played in brokering the specific conversation. A spokeswoman at Alston & Bird said Tuesday that the 93-year-old Mr. Dole, a former Senate majority leader and the Republican presidential nominee in 1996, had no immediate comment on his work representing the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States, Taiwan’s unofficial embassy and the entity that retained him.

这些文件是在特朗普接听电话之前提交的,但没有提到那个电话,而且现在也不清楚多尔在协调安排此次交谈中起到了什么作用(如果有的话)。奥斯顿与伯德的发言人本周二表示,对于93岁的多尔(前参议院多数党领导人、1996年的总统提名人)代表驻美国台北经济文化代表处(Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States)所做的工作,没有立即予以置评。该代表处是台湾驻美国的非正式大使馆,出钱聘请多尔的就是它。

The effort to involve Mr. Trump’s campaign in a United States delegation to Taiwan, and to facilitate a Taiwanese delegation to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July, began earlier this year, according to the documents.


Mr. Dole also arranged a meeting between Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, whom Mr. Trump has chosen to be his attorney general, and Stanley Kao, Taiwan’s envoy to the United States, and convened a meeting between embassy staff members and Mr. Trump’s transition team, the documents say.

文件称,多尔还安排了阿拉巴马共和党参议员、特朗普任命的司法部长杰夫·塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)和台湾驻美代表高硕泰会面,并召集大使馆工作人员和特朗普的过渡团队举行了一次会议。

