位于莫斯科的俄罗斯国防部。位于莫斯科的俄罗斯国防部。 Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

TEL AVIV — The emails landed on March 23 in the inboxes of scientists and engineers at several of Russia’s military research and development institutes, purportedly sent by Russia’s Ministry of Health. They carried a subject line that offered seemingly tantalizing information about a “list of persons under U.S. sanctions for invading Ukraine.”


But the emails were actually sent by state-sponsored hackers in China seeking to entice their Russian targets to download and open a document with malware, according to a new report to be released Thursday by the Israeli-American cybersecurity firm Check Point.

但以色列-美国网络安全公司Check Point周四发布的一份新报告表示,这些邮件实际上是由中国政府支持的黑客发出的,目的是诱使俄罗斯的目标人物下载并打开含有恶意软件的文件。

The report provides new evidence of Chinese efforts to spy on Russia, pointing to the complexity of the relations between two countries that have drawn closer in solidarity against the United States. It also underscores the sprawling, and increasingly sophisticated, tactics China’s cyberspies have used to collect information on an ever-expanding array of targets, including countries it considers friends, like Russia.


Despite the growing global outrage over Russia’s war in Ukraine, China has refused to criticize Moscow and has echoed Russian propaganda to depict the United States and NATO as aggressors in the conflict. But Check Point’s research showed that despite the countries’ deepening ties, China appeared to view Russia as a legitimate target for the theft of sensitive military technological information.

尽管俄罗斯在乌克兰发起的战争引发了全球愤慨,但中国拒绝谴责莫斯科,并附和俄罗斯的宣传,将美国和北约描绘为冲突中的挑衅者。不过,Check Point的研究显示,虽然两国关系不断深化,但中国似乎仍将俄罗斯当做窃取敏感军事技术信息的合理目标。

The Chinese campaign targeted Russian institutes that research airborne satellite communications, radar and electronic warfare, Check Point said in its report. The institutes belong to Rostec Corporation, the Russian military conglomerate that is one of the largest and most powerful entities in Russia’s defense establishment.

Check Point在报告中指出,中国的行动针对俄罗斯研究机载卫星通信、雷达和电子战的机构。这些机构隶属军事企业俄罗斯国家技术集团,这是俄罗斯国防部门中规模最大、实力最强的实体之一。
2020年,位于莫斯科的俄罗斯国家技术集团总部。 Natalia Kolesnikova/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The Chinese espionage operation began as early as July 2021, before Russia invaded Ukraine, the Check Point report said. The March emails revealed that China’s hackers had quickly exploited narratives about the war in Ukraine for their purposes.


“This is a very sophisticated attack,” said Itay Cohen, the head of cyber ​​research at Check Point, adding that it demonstrated capabilities “usually reserved for state-backed intelligence services.” The hackers used methods and codes similar to those used in previous attacks attributed to hacking groups affiliated with the Chinese state, he said.

“这是一次非常复杂的攻击,”Check Point的网络研究负责人伊泰·科恩表示,他补充称,这场行动展示了“通常只有国家支持的情报机构才会使用的”能力。他说,黑客使用的方法和代码类似于以前与中国有关的黑客组织所使用的攻击。

For example, by referring to the American sanctions on Russian officials over the war in Ukraine, the attacks used “smart social engineering” that exploited a sensitive topic to try to induce their targets, including skilled defense officials, to open the email, Mr. Cohen said. The hackers also used advanced tactics that better concealed their intrusions in the computers that were attacked, Mr. Cohen said.


Under China’s authoritarian leader, Xi Jinping, Beijing has refined its approach to cyberspying, transforming over the past decade into a far more sophisticated actor. China’s premier spy agency, borrowing a page from Russia, has recruited beyond its ranks, pulling from the country’s growing pool of tech workers. The strategy has made its attacks more scattershot and unpredictable, but analysts say it has also helped strengthen the country’s efforts, enabling spies to run stealthy attacks that target intellectual property as well as political and military intelligence around the world.


Mr. Xi has made improving China’s scientific and technical capabilities a priority in the coming years, with ambitions of becoming a global leader in high-tech fields such as robotics, medical equipment and aviation. The campaign targeting Russian defense research institutes “might serve as more evidence of the use of espionage in a systematic and long-term effort to achieve Chinese strategic objectives in technological superiority and military power,” Check Point’s report said.

习近平把提高中国的科技能力作为未来几年的首要任务,雄心勃勃地要在机器人、医疗设备和航空等高科技领域成为全球领导者。Check Point的报告称,这次针对俄罗斯国防科研机构的行动“可能提供更多证据,说明中国为实现技术优势和军事实力的战略目标,正在系统性和长期性地利用间谍活动”。

More recently, hackers based in China, like their counterparts elsewhere, have taken advantage of the war in Ukraine to break into the computer systems of organizations across Europe. Hackers have preyed upon heightened anxiety about the invasion, tricking their victims into downloading documents that falsely claim to contain information about the war or pose as aid organizations raising money for charity.


Many of the attacks originating from China appear to be focused on gathering information and intellectual property, rather than on causing chaos or disruption that could sway the conflict in favor of Ukraine or Russia, security researchers said.


In late March, Chinese hackers began going after Ukrainian organizations, according to security researchers and an announcement from Ukraine’s cybersecurity agency. A hacking team known as Scarab sent a document to Ukrainian organizations that offered instructions on how to film evidence of Russian war crimes but also contained malware that could extract information from infected computer systems, researchers at the security firm SentinelOne said.


Also in March, another hacking team affiliated with China, which security researchers have called Mustang Panda, created documents that purported to be European Union reports on conditions at the borders of Ukraine and Belarus, and emailed them to potential targets in Europe. But the documents contained malware, and victims who were tricked into opening them inadvertently allowed the hackers to infiltrate their networks, researchers at Google and the security firm Cisco Talos said.


The Mustang Panda hacking group had previously attacked organizations in India, Taiwan and Myanmar, but when the war started, it turned its focus to the European Union and Russia. In March, the hackers also pursued agencies in Russia, emailing them a document that appeared to contain information about the placement of border guards in Russia, Cisco Talos researchers said.


“One thing remains consistent across all these campaigns — Mustang Panda is clearly looking to conduct espionage campaigns,” Cisco Talos researchers said in a report this month about that group’s activity.


In this latest report on Chinese hacking efforts, the firm Check Point said it was calling the group behind the recently identified campaign Twisted Panda “to reflect the sophistication of the tools observed and the attribution to China.”

在这份有关中国黑客活动的最新报告中,Check Point公司将最近确认的黑客活动背后的组织称为“扭曲熊猫”,“以反映所观察到的黑客手段的复杂程度,并将其归因于中国”。
5月,普京总统在克里姆林宫会见俄罗斯国家技术集团总经理谢尔盖·切梅佐夫。 Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The Rostec institutes that have been attacked are mainly engaged in the development of airborne radar, and in the development of devices that can, among other things, disrupt the radar and identification systems used by an enemy.


Rostec Corporation was founded by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in 2007 and has become one of the nation’s largest military corporations, controlling hundreds of research and manufacturing facilities for high-end defense technology, electronic warfare tools and aircraft engines.


Shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014, Rostec was blacklisted by the United States and its chief executive, Sergey Chemezov, was sanctioned by the European Union. Immediately after the Russian invasion of Ukraine this year, the United States imposed additional sanctions on companies and entities associated with Rostec.


孟建国(Paul Mozur)对本文有报道贡献。

Ronen Bergman是《纽约时报杂志》的作者,常驻特拉维夫。他的新作《Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations》由兰登书屋出版。

Kate Conger是旧金山分社的科技记者,报道零工经济和社交媒体。欢迎在Twitter上关注她:@kateconger

