知乎热榜 ( ) • 2024-04-29 15:48


途锐相比Q7的前后多连杆悬架的衬套调节的更硬,但奇怪的是EPS电机助力曲线却更柔和,搭配三腔空悬,配合适当的toe in和285的轮胎,真的是令人放心的一款车。最关键的是六活塞制动卡钳,保时捷都已经减配了,途锐还在坚持。不说别的,我就恨国内没有慕尼黑的版本R。哈哈。

而且我觉得途锐最牛的部分就在于自驾游过程中off road的时候越野的智能化,这一点听键盘侠扯什么智能座舱都没用,透明底盘和前视觉摄像头在途锐上把智能化体现的更好是毋庸置疑的,我惊喜的发现竟然这次在茶卡盐湖外围栏杆附近的越野过程中这些摄像头还得有防抖功能。



最高时速达250kph的智能驾驶,Travel Assist up to 250 km/h.One of the new features in the Touareg is the optionally available Travel Assist. Until now, this system has made assisted driving in other Volkswagen vehicles possible up to a speed of 210 km/h. But for the first time, on German motorways this assistance is available up to a speed of 250 km/h. Travel Assist relies on systems including ACC Adaptive Cruise Control (longitudinal guidance) and Lane Assist lane keeping system (lateral guidance). Travel Assist is activated using the new multifunction steering wheel. For legal and safety-relevant reasons, drivers must permanently monitor the system – meaning they must have at least one hand on the steering wheel. Thanks to new capacitive sensor technology in the Touareg’s steering wheel, drivers need merely to touch it.[1]


途锐欧洲版的ACC 自适应巡航控制(纵向引导)和 Lane Assist 车道保持系统(横向引导)做了相应的强化,