掘金 后端 ( ) • 2024-05-31 23:39

我们在之前的文章 “城市之旅:使用 LLM 和 Elasticsearch 简化地理空间搜索(一)”,在今天的练习中,我将使用本地部署来做那里面的 Jupyter notebook。


Elasticsearch 及 Kibana

如果你还没有安装好自己的 Elasticsearch 及 Kibana,请参考如下的链接来进行安装:

在安装的时候,我们选择 Elastic Stack 8.x 来进行安装。特别值得指出的是:ES|QL 只在 Elastic Stack 8.11 及以后得版本中才有。你需要下载 Elastic Stack 8.11 及以后得版本来进行安装。

在首次启动 Elasticsearch 的时候,我们可以看到如下的输出:

我们需要记下 Elasticsearch 超级用户 elastic 的密码。

我们还可以在安装 Elasticsearch 目录中找到 Elasticsearch 的访问证书:

1.  $ pwd
2.  /Users/liuxg/elastic/elasticsearch-8.13.4/config/certs
3.  $ ls
4.  http.p12      http_ca.crt   transport.p12

在上面,http_ca.crt 是我们需要用来访问 Elasticsearch 的证书。


git clone https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/elasticsearch-labs


1.  $ pwd
2.  /Users/liuxg/python/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm
3.  $ cp ~/elastic/elasticsearch-8.13.4/config/certs/http_ca.crt .
4.  $ ls 
5.  09-geospatial-search.ipynb http_ca.crt

在上面,我们把 Elasticsearch 的证书拷贝到当前的目录下。上面的 09-geospatial-search.ipynb 就是我们下面要展示的 notebook。


在下面,我们需要使用 ELSER。这是一个白金试用的功能。我们按照如下的步骤来启动白金试用:



为了能够使得下面的应用顺利执行,我们在当前的项目根目录下创建一个叫做 .env 的文件。它的内容如下:


1.  ES_USER="elastic"
2.  ES_PASSWORD="=VnaMJck+DbYXpHR1Fch"
3.  ES_ENDPOINT="localhost"
4.  OPENAI_API_KEY="YourOpenAIkey"

你需要根据自己的 Elasticsearch 的配置来修改上面的配置。你需要申请自己的 OpenAI key 来完成上面的配置。你可以在地址 https://platform.openai.com/api-keys 进行申请。


1.  $ pwd
2.  /Users/liuxg/python/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm
3.  $ ls -al
4.  total 176
5.  drwxr-xr-x   5 liuxg  staff    160 May 31 11:10 .
6.  drwxr-xr-x  16 liuxg  staff    512 May 31 09:55 ..
7.  -rw-r--r--   1 liuxg  staff    146 May 31 11:10 .env
8.  -rw-r--r--   1 liuxg  staff  78674 May 31 09:48 09-geospatial-search.ipynb
9.  -rw-r-----   1 liuxg  staff   1915 May 31 10:55 http_ca.crt


我们在项目的根目录下,我们使用如下的命令来打开 notebook:

1.  $ pwd
2.  /Users/liuxg/python/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm
3.  $ jupyter notebook 09-geospatial-search.ipynb 


首先,我们需要使用 Python 客户端连接到 Elastic 部署。

!pip install -qU elasticsearch requests openai python-dotenv


1.  from dotenv import load_dotenv
2.  import os
3.  from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, helpers, exceptions
4.  from elasticsearch.helpers import BulkIndexError
5.  import time
6.  import json as JSON

现在我们可以实例化 Python Elasticsearch 客户端。然后我们创建一个客户端对象来实例化 Elasticsearch 类的实例

1.  load_dotenv()

3.  ES_USER = os.getenv("ES_USER")
4.  ES_PASSWORD = os.getenv("ES_PASSWORD")
5.  ES_ENDPOINT = os.getenv("ES_ENDPOINT")
6.  OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

8.  url = f"https://{ES_USER}:{ES_PASSWORD}@{ES_ENDPOINT}:9200"
9.  print(url)

11.  client = Elasticsearch(url, ca_certs = "./http_ca.crt", verify_certs = True)

下载并部署 ELSER 模型

在此示例中,我们将下载 ELSER 模型并将其部署到 ML 节点中。确保你有一个 ML 节点才能运行 ELSER 模型。

1.  # delete model if already downloaded and deployed
2.  try:
3.      client.ml.delete_trained_model(model_id=".elser_model_2", force=True)
4.      print("Model deleted successfully, We will proceed with creating one")
5.  except exceptions.NotFoundError:
6.      print("Model doesn't exist, but We will proceed with creating one")

8.  # Creates the ELSER model configuration. Automatically downloads the model if it doesn't exist.
9.  client.ml.put_trained_model(
10.      model_id=".elser_model_2", input={"field_names": ["text_field"]}
11.  )

注意:针对 x86 架构,我们可以使用模型 .elser_model_2_linux-x86_64 来代替 .elser_model_2 以获取更好的性能。在下面的代码中,我们也需要相应的更换。


1.  while True:
2.      status = client.ml.get_trained_models(
3.          model_id=".elser_model_2", include="definition_status"
4.      )

6.      if status["trained_model_configs"][0]["fully_defined"]:
7.          print("ELSER Model is downloaded and ready to be deployed.")
8.          break
9.      else:
10.          print("ELSER Model is downloaded but not ready to be deployed.")
11.      time.sleep(5)

运行完上面的代码后,我们可以在 Kibana 中进行查看:

下载模型后,我们可以将模型部署到 ML 节点中。使用以下命令来部署模型。

1.  # Start trained model deployment if not already deployed
2.  client.ml.start_trained_model_deployment(
3.      model_id=".elser_model_2", number_of_allocations=1, wait_for="starting"
4.  )

6.  while True:
7.      status = client.ml.get_trained_models_stats(
8.          model_id=".elser_model_2",
9.      )
10.      if status["trained_model_stats"][0]["deployment_stats"]["state"] == "started":
11.          print("ELSER Model has been successfully deployed.")
12.          break
13.      else:
14.          print("ELSER Model is currently being deployed.")
15.      time.sleep(5)

运行完上面的代码后,我们可以在 Kibana 再次进行查看:

我们也可以从 Kibana 中来部署 ELSER。请详细阅读之前的文章 “Elasticsearch:部署 ELSER - Elastic Learned Sparse EncoderR”。

使用 ELSER 索引文档

为了在我们的 Elasticsearch 部署上使用 ELSER,我们需要创建一个包含运行 ELSER 模型的推理处理器的摄取管道。让我们使用 put_pipeline 方法添加该管道。

1.  client.ingest.put_pipeline(
2.      id="elser-ingest-pipeline",
3.      description="Ingest pipeline for ELSER",
4.      processors=[
5.          {"html_strip": {"field": "name", "ignore_failure": True}},
6.          {"html_strip": {"field": "description", "ignore_failure": True}},
7.          {"html_strip": {"field": "amenities", "ignore_failure": True}},
8.          {"html_strip": {"field": "host_about", "ignore_failure": True}},
9.          {
10.              "inference": {
11.                  "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
12.                  "input_output": [
13.                      {"input_field": "name", "output_field": "name_embedding"}
14.                  ],
15.                  "ignore_failure": True,
16.              }
17.          },
18.          {
19.              "inference": {
20.                  "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
21.                  "input_output": [
22.                      {
23.                          "input_field": "description",
24.                          "output_field": "description_embedding",
25.                      }
26.                  ],
27.                  "ignore_failure": True,
28.              }
29.          },
30.          {
31.              "inference": {
32.                  "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
33.                  "input_output": [
34.                      {"input_field": "amenities", "output_field": "amenities_embedding"}
35.                  ],
36.                  "ignore_failure": True,
37.              }
38.          },
39.          {
40.              "inference": {
41.                  "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
42.                  "input_output": [
43.                      {
44.                          "input_field": "host_about",
45.                          "output_field": "host_about_embedding",
46.                      }
47.                  ],
48.                  "ignore_failure": True,
49.              }
50.          },
51.      ],
52.  )

ObjectApiResponse({'acknowledged': True})

准备 AirBnB 列表

接下来我们需要准备索引。除非另有说明,我们会将所有内容映射为关键字。我们还将使用 ELSER 将列表的 name 和 decription 映射为 sparse_vectors 。

1.  client.indices.delete(index="airbnb-listings", ignore_unavailable=True)
2.  client.indices.create(
3.      index="airbnb-listings",
4.      settings={"index": {"default_pipeline": "elser-ingest-pipeline"}},
5.      mappings={
6.          "dynamic_templates": [
7.              {
8.                  "stringsaskeywords": {
9.                      "match": "*",
10.                      "match_mapping_type": "string",
11.                      "mapping": {"type": "keyword"},
12.                  }
13.              }
14.          ],
15.          "properties": {
16.              "host_about_embedding": {"type": "sparse_vector"},
17.              "amenities_embedding": {"type": "sparse_vector"},
18.              "description_embedding": {"type": "sparse_vector"},
19.              "name_embedding": {"type": "sparse_vector"},
20.              "location": {"type": "geo_point"},
21.          },
22.      },
23.  )

ObjectApiResponse({'acknowledged': True, 'shards_acknowledged': True, 'index': 'airbnb-listings'})

运行完上面的代码后,我们可以在 Kibana 中找到已经创建的 airbnb-listings 索引:

下载 airbnb 数据

接下来,我们将下载 AirBnB 列表 csv 并将其上传到 Elasticsearch。这可能需要几分钟! AirBnB 列表包含大约 80mb 的 CSV 扩展文件和大约 40,000 个文档。在下面的代码中,我们添加了一个 if 条件以仅处理前 5,000 个文档。

为了能够使得下面的代码能够正常运行,我们使用如下的命令来活动 airbnb 数据:

wget https://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/ny/new-york-city/2024-03-07/data/listings.csv.gz

1.  $ pwd
2.  /Users/liuxg/tmp/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm
3.  $ wget https://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/ny/new-york-city/2024-03-07/data/listings.csv.gz
4.  --2024-05-31 12:59:59--  https://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/ny/new-york-city/2024-03-07/data/listings.csv.gz
5.  Resolving data.insideairbnb.com (data.insideairbnb.com)...,,, ...
6.  Connecting to data.insideairbnb.com (data.insideairbnb.com)||:443... connected.
7.  HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
8.  Length: 21315678 (20M) [application/x-gzip]
9.  Saving to: ‘listings.csv.gz’

11.  listings.csv.gz         100%[=============================>]  20.33M  12.2MB/s    in 1.7s    

13.  2024-05-31 13:00:01 (12.2 MB/s) - ‘listings.csv.gz’ saved [21315678/21315678]

15.  $ ls
16.  09-geospatial-search.ipynb listings.csv.gz

1.  $ pwd
2.  /Users/liuxg/tmp/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm
3.  $ ls
4.  09-geospatial-search.ipynb listings.csv.gz
5.  $ gunzip listings.csv.gz 
6.  $ ls
7.  09-geospatial-search.ipynb listings.csv

1.  import requests
2.  import gzip
3.  import shutil
4.  import csv

6.  # Download the CSV file
7.  # url = "https://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/ny/new-york-city/2024-03-07/data/listings.csv.gz"
8.  # response = requests.get(url, stream=True)

10.  # Save the downloaded file
11.  #with open("listings.csv.gz", "wb") as file:
12.  #    shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, file)

14.  # Unpack the CSV file
15.  #with gzip.open("./listings.csv.gz", "rb") as file_in:
16.  #    with open("listings.csv", "wb") as file_out:
17.  #        shutil.copyfileobj(file_in, file_out)

19.  def remove_empty_fields(data):
20.      empty_fields = []
21.      # Iterate over the dictionary items
22.      for key, value in data.items():
23.          # Check if the value is empty (None, empty string, empty list, etc.)
24.          if not value:
25.              empty_fields.append(key)
26.      # Remove empty fields from the dictionary
27.      for key in empty_fields:
28.          del data[key]
29.      return data

32.  def prepare_documents():
33.      with open("./listings.csv", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
34.          reader = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter=",")
35.          # we are going to only add the first 5.000 listings.
36.          limit = 5000
37.          for index, row in enumerate(reader):
38.              if index >= limit:
39.                  break
40.              if index % 250 == 0:
41.                  print(f"Processing document {index}")
42.              row["location"] = {
43.                  "lat": float(row["latitude"]),
44.                  "lon": float(row["longitude"]),
45.              }
46.              row = remove_empty_fields(row)
47.              yield {
48.                  "_index": "airbnb-listings",
49.                  "_source": dict(row),
50.              }

52.  # Note: A bigger chunk_size might cause "connection timeout error"
53.  helpers.bulk(client, prepare_documents(), chunk_size=10)

在上面,我们有意识地把 chunk_size 设置为较小的一个数字。如果这个数字较大,那么很有可能会造成 “Connection timeout” 错误信息。这个依赖于我们的 Elasticsearch 的配置及计算机运行的速度。现在每次写入都需要调动 ingest pipeline 来进行向量化。如果这个数字值太大,那么向量化的时间需要的越长,那么极有可能会使得这个 helper.bulk 代码的执行出现 Connection timeout 错误,因为这个执行是需要在规定的时间范围里返回结果的。另外一种解决办法是使用一般操作来完成。



我们可以在 Kibana 中进行查看:

最终,我们把所需要的 5000 个文档写入到 Elasticsearch 中:

准备 MTA 地铁站索引

我们需要准备索引并确保我们将地理位置视为 geo_point 类型。

1.  client.indices.delete(index="mta-stations", ignore_unavailable=True)
2.  client.indices.create(
3.      index="mta-stations",
4.      mappings={
5.          "dynamic_templates": [
6.              {
7.                  "stringsaskeywords": {
8.                      "match": "*",
9.                      "match_mapping_type": "string",
10.                      "mapping": {"type": "keyword"},
11.                  }
12.              }
13.          ],
14.          "properties": {"location": {"type": "geo_point"}},
15.      },
16.  )

索引 MTA 数据

我们现在需要为 MTA 的数据建立索引。

1.  import csv

3.  # Download the CSV file
4.  url = "https://data.ny.gov/api/views/39hk-dx4f/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"
5.  response = requests.get(url)

8.  # Parse and index the CSV data
9.  def prepare_documents():
10.      reader = csv.DictReader(response.text.splitlines())
11.      for row in reader:
12.          row["location"] = {
13.              "lat": float(row["GTFS Latitude"]),
14.              "lon": float(row["GTFS Longitude"]),
15.          }
16.          yield {
17.              "_index": "mta-stations",
18.              "_source": dict(row),
19.          }

22.  # Index the documents
23.  helpers.bulk(client, prepare_documents())


和之前一样。我们想要索引兴趣点并使用 ELSER 来确保任何语义搜索都有效。例如。搜索 "sights with gardens" 应该返回 "Central Park",即使它的名称中不包含 garden。

1.  client.indices.delete(index="points-of-interest", ignore_unavailable=True)
2.  client.indices.create(
3.      index="points-of-interest",
4.      settings={"index": {"default_pipeline": "elser-ingest-pipeline"}},
5.      mappings={
6.          "dynamic_templates": [
7.              {
8.                  "stringsaskeywords": {
9.                      "match": "*",
10.                      "match_mapping_type": "string",
11.                      "mapping": {"type": "keyword"},
12.                  }
13.              }
14.          ],
15.          "properties": {
16.              "NAME": {"type": "text"},
17.              "location": {"type": "geo_point"},
18.              "name_embedding": {"type": "sparse_vector"},
19.          },
20.      },
21.  )


the_geom 看起来像这样: POINT (-74.00701717096757 40.724634757833414) 其格式为众所周知的文本点格式,我们正式支持这一点。我个人总是喜欢将经纬度坐标存储为对象,以确保不会造成混淆。

1.  import csv

3.  # Download the CSV file
4.  url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/t95h-5fsr/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"
5.  response = requests.get(url)

8.  # Parse and index the CSV data
9.  def prepare_documents():
10.      reader = csv.DictReader(response.text.splitlines())
11.      for row in reader:
12.          row["location"] = {
13.              "lat": float(row["the_geom"].split(" ")[2].replace(")", "")),
14.              "lon": float(row["the_geom"].split(" ")[1].replace("(", "")),
15.          }
16.          row["name"] = row["NAME"].lower()
17.          yield {
18.              "_index": "points-of-interest",
19.              "_source": dict(row),
20.          }

23.  # Index the documents
24.  helpers.bulk(client, prepare_documents(),chunk_size=10)



首先让我们看看 ELSER 在 “geo” 查询方面的表现如何。我们就以 Central Park 和 Empire State 旁边的爱彼迎 (AirBnB) 为例。此外,我们现在只查看 description,而不是 name 或作者简介。让我们保持简单。

1.  response = client.search(
2.      index="airbnb-*",
3.      size=10,
4.      query={
5.          "text_expansion": {
6.              "description_embedding": {
7.                  "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
8.                  "model_text": "Next to Central Park and Empire State Building",
9.              }
10.          }
11.      },
12.  )

14.  for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]:
15.      doc_id = hit["_id"]
16.      score = hit["_score"]
17.      name = hit["_source"]["name"]
18.      location = hit["_source"]["location"]
19.      print(
20.          f"Score: {score}\nTitle: {name}\nLocation: {location}\nDocument ID: {doc_id}\n"
21.      )


我们对所有 AirBnB 进行了索引,因此可能与你仅索引前 5,000 个时获得的结果略有不同。

下一步是在 Elasticsearch 中运行 geo_distance 查询。首先来分析一下中央公园(Central Park)和帝国大厦(Empire State Building)相距多远。由于中央公园相当大并且包含许多景点,因此我们将使用 Bow Bridge 作为标志性景点。

我们将使用一个简单的术语查询来获取中央公园弓桥的地理位置,然后使用 _geo_distance 排序运行 geo_distance 查询来获取准确的距离。目前,geo_distance 查询始终需要距离参数。我们添加了一个术语来搜索帝国大厦,因为我们只对此感兴趣。

1.  response = client.search(
2.      index="points-of-interest",
3.      size=1,
4.      query={"term": {"name": "central park bow bridge"}},
5.  )

7.  for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]:
8.      # this should now be the central park bow bridge.
9.      print(f"Name: {hit['_source']['name']}\nLocation: {hit['_source']['location']}\n")
10.      response = client.search(
11.          index="points-of-interest",
12.          size=1,
13.          query={
14.              "bool": {
15.                  "must": {"term": {"name": "empire state building"}},
16.                  "filter": {
17.                      "geo_distance": {
18.                          "distance": "200km",
19.                          "location": {
20.                              "lat": hit["_source"]["location"]["lat"],
21.                              "lon": hit["_source"]["location"]["lon"],
22.                          },
23.                      }
24.                  },
25.              }
26.          },
27.          sort=[
28.              {
29.                  "_geo_distance": {
30.                      "location": {
31.                          "lat": hit["_source"]["location"]["lat"],
32.                          "lon": hit["_source"]["location"]["lon"],
33.                      },
34.                      "unit": "km",
35.                      "distance_type": "plane",
36.                      "order": "asc",
37.                  }
38.              }
39.          ],
40.      )
41.      print(
42.          f"Distance to Empire State Building: {response['hits']['hits'][0]['sort'][0]} km"
43.      )

1.  Name: central park bow bridge
2.  Location: {'lon': -73.97178440451849, 'lat': 40.77577539823907}

4.  Distance to Empire State Building: 3.247504472145157 km

与 ELSER 相比


1.  Score: 20.003891
2.  Title: Gorgeous 1 Bedroom - Upper East Side Manhattan -
3.  Location: {'lon': -73.95856, 'lat': 40.76701}
4.  Document ID: AkgfEI8BHToGwgcUA6-7

让我们使用 geo_distance 运行上面的计算。

1.  response = client.search(
2.      index="points-of-interest",
3.      size=10,
4.      query={
5.          "bool": {
6.              "must": {
7.                  "terms": {"name": ["central park bow bridge", "empire state building"]}
8.              },
9.              "filter": {
10.                  "geo_distance": {
11.                      "distance": "200km",
12.                      "location": {"lat": "40.76701", "lon": "-73.95856"},
13.                  }
14.              },
15.          }
16.      },
17.      sort=[
18.          {
19.              "_geo_distance": {
20.                  "location": {"lat": "40.76701", "lon": "-73.95856"},
21.                  "unit": "km",
22.                  "distance_type": "plane",
23.                  "order": "asc",
24.              }
25.          }
26.      ],
27.  )

29.  for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]:
30.      print("Distance between AirBnB and", hit["_source"]["name"], hit["sort"][0], "km")

1.  Distance between AirBnB and central park bow bridge 1.4799179352060348 km
2.  Distance between AirBnB and empire state building 3.0577584374128617 km


距离两个景点仅1.4公里和 3 公里。没有那么糟糕。让我们看看当我们创建一个包含帝国大厦和中央公园 Bow Bridge 的地理边界框时我们能发现什么。此外,我们将按照到中央公园 Bow Bridge 的距离对结果进行排序,然后按照到帝国大厦的距离进行排序。

1.  response = client.search(
2.      index="points-of-interest",
3.      size=2,
4.      query={"terms": {"name": ["central park bow bridge", "empire state building"]}},
5.  )

7.  # for easier access we store the locations in two variables
8.  central = {}
9.  empire = {}
10.  for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]:
11.      hit = hit["_source"]
12.      if "central park bow bridge" in hit["name"]:
13.          central = hit["location"]
14.      elif "empire state building" in hit["name"]:
15.          empire = hit["location"]

17.  # Now we can run the geo_bounding_box query and sort it by the
18.  # distance first to Central Park Bow Bridge
19.  # and then to the Empire State Building.
20.  response = client.search(
21.      index="airbnb-*",
22.      size=50,
23.      query={
24.          "geo_bounding_box": {
25.              "location": {
26.                  "top_left": {"lat": central["lat"], "lon": empire["lon"]},
27.                  "bottom_right": {"lat": empire["lat"], "lon": central["lon"]},
28.              }
29.          }
30.      },
31.      sort=[
32.          {
33.              "_geo_distance": {
34.                  "location": {"lat": central["lat"], "lon": central["lon"]},
35.                  "unit": "km",
36.                  "distance_type": "plane",
37.                  "order": "asc",
38.              }
39.          },
40.          {
41.              "_geo_distance": {
42.                  "location": {"lat": empire["lat"], "lon": empire["lon"]},
43.                  "unit": "km",
44.                  "distance_type": "plane",
45.                  "order": "asc",
46.              }
47.          },
48.      ],
49.  )

51.  for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]:
52.      print(f"Distance to Central Park Bow Bridge: {hit['sort'][0]} km")
53.      print(f"Distance to Empire State Building: {hit['sort'][1]} km")
54.      print(f"Title: {hit['_source']['name']}\nDocument ID: {hit['_id']}\n")


现在让我们终于进入 AI 部分。所有这些都是设置和理解地理空间搜索的作用及其工作原理。还有很多东西有待发现。让我们将其连接到我们的 OpenAI 实例。在这里我们使用 OpenAI 资源。

1.  from openai import OpenAI

3.  OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
4.  client = OpenAI(
5.      # This is the default and can be omitted
6.      api_key=os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
7.  )

9.  # Set API key
10.  openai = OpenAI()

12.  # Let's do a test:
13.  question = "What is the capital of France? Answer with just the capital city."

15.  answer = openai.chat.completions.create(
16.      messages=[
17.          {
18.              "role": "user",
19.              "content": question,
20.          }
21.      ],
22.      model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
23.  )

25.  print(answer.choices[0].message.content)


上面显示出来正确的答案。它表明我们的 OpenAI 是工作正常的。

既然这可行了,我们确信我们是在正确的地方开始我们的问题。我们正在编写一个提示,强制 ChatGPT 创建 JSON 响应并从问题中提取信息。

1.  question = """
2.  As an expert in named entity recognition machine learning models, I will give you a sentence from which I would like you to extract what needs to be found (location, apartment, airbnb, sight, etc) near which location and the distance between them. The distance needs to be a number expressed in kilometers. I would like the result to be expressed in JSON with the following fields: "what", "near", "distance_in_km". Only return the JSON.
3.  Here is the sentence: "Get me the closest AirBnB between 1 miles distance from the Empire State Building"
4.  """

6.  answer = openai.chat.completions.create(
7.      messages=[
8.          {
9.              "role": "user",
10.              "content": question,
11.          }
12.      ],
13.      model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
14.  )
15.  print(answer.choices[0].message.content)


1.  {
2.    "what": "AirBnB",
3.    "near": "Empire State Building",
4.    "distance_in_km": 1.6
5.  }



1.  {
2.      "what": "AirBnB",
3.      "near": "Empire State Building",
4.      "distance_in_km": 1610
5.  }

  1. 提取距离 - 完成(1 英里)
  2. 将距离转换为公里 - 完成 (1.6 公里)
  3. 提取位置 - 这应该是 “Empire State Building”,但从更一般的角度来说,我们应该认识到这是一个位置,因此我们制作一个称为单独的标签

1.  json = answer.choices[0].message.content
2.  # This now should contain just the json.
3.  json = JSON.loads(json)

5.  # first let's grab the location of the `near` field
6.  # it could be multiple locations, so we will search for all of them.
7.  near = client.search(
8.      index="points-of-interest",
9.      size=100,
10.      query={"bool": {"must": {"terms": {"name": [json["near"].lower()]}}}},
11.  )

13.  # we store just all of the geo-locations of the near locations.
14.  near_location = []
15.  sort = []

17.  for hit in near["hits"]["hits"]:
18.      near_location.append(hit["_source"]["location"])
19.      sort.append(
20.          {
21.              "_geo_distance": {
22.                  "location": {
23.                      "lat": hit["_source"]["location"]["lat"],
24.                      "lon": hit["_source"]["location"]["lon"],
25.                  },
26.                  "unit": "km",
27.                  "distance_type": "plane",
28.                  "order": "asc",
29.              }
30.          }
31.      )

33.  query = {
34.      "geo_distance": {
35.          "distance": str(json["distance_in_km"]) + "km",
36.          "location": {"lat": near_location[0]["lat"], "lon": near_location[0]["lon"]},
37.      }
38.  }
39.  # Now let's get all the AirBnBs `what` near the `near` location.
40.  # We always use the first location as our primary reference.
41.  airbnbs = client.search(index="airbnb-*", size=100, query=query, sort=sort)

43.  for hit in airbnbs["hits"]["hits"]:
44.      print(f"Distance to {json['near']}: {hit['sort'][0]} km")
45.      print(f"Title: {hit['_source']['name']}\nDocument ID: {hit['_id']}\n")


现在,我们将地理空间搜索与 LLMs 结合起来。

所有的源码可以在地址:elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm/09-geospatial-search.ipynb at main · liu-xiao-guo/elasticsearch-labs · GitHub 进行下载。